Edward Cisneros-P95214
VIP Member

General Information

Height: 6'1
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 180 lbs
Date of Birth: April 9, 1981
Age: 44 years
Email/Electronic Communication:
Activation: December 8, 2021
Boost Until: December 8, 2021
Expiration: December 8, 2022
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P.O.BOX 192

Write Me at:

California State Prison, Corcoran
PO BOX 3476 (SHU 4A-2R-2)
Corcoran, California, 93212

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 2009
Earliest Release Date: 2041
Latested Release Date:
Servig Life Sentence: Yes
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For: Attempted murder

My Biography

Click on Image to Enlarge and Read Bio

Hey, I’m Edward. I’m pretty laid back – there are enough problems in the world to sweat the small stuff. I strive to be productive with my time mostly by pursuing higher education, reading, writing, and creating quality artwork. I’m looking to make new friends and network. If you are interested in learning more about me, drop me a few lines and I will get back to you. Thank you for your time. Footnote: If you write to me through JPay, please include your address so I can respond to you.

Picture Gallery

Art/Blog/Poem Gallery

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LoveAPrisoner • P.O.BOX 192 • DEQUINCY, LOUISIANA, 70633