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Anthony Anaya-56166

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General Information

Sex: Male
Race/Ethinicity: Hispanic
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Widowed
Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 180 lbs
Date of Birth: January 27, 1982
Age: 43 years
Email/Electronic Communication:

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Anthony Anaya-56166
using LoveAPrionser System

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  • Send letters directly from any device.
  • Weekly dispatch of regular mail every Saturday.
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  • Your personal address stays confidential.
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Write Me at:

Anthony Anaya-56166

PO Box 70010
Boise, Idaho, 83707

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 2018
Earliest Release Date: 2027
Latested Release Date:
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For: Possession

My Biography

Click on Image to Enlarge and Read Bio

A diamond in the rough–When we find that one special person in life we accept and embrace the flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm and everything and what it comes down to is we just to is we just want them. You become there best friend, there human diary and there other half that means the world to them. You want to be the reason behind there smile and loud laughter’s everyday even when your ad.
Could you be that special one? Only way to find out is to take a leap of faith and respond to my post and take a chance on me. At first glance of my pictures I might look to be a tattooed man with a criminal record but don’t go by what I look like and get to know me for me. I’m a good man with a good heart who is a father too 2 boys and live each day to better myself for them so that they aren’t blinded by my mistakes and accept me for the good man I am. I’m a man of much confidence but I’ve been broken inside and searching for that special person to help full those voids and to make me not break me. If your interested or I caught you eye, please contact me through (JPay) my prison number is #56166. I hope yo hear from you soon.

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