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Jaylene Green

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General Information

State: Texas
Institution: State
Sex: Female
Race/Ethinicity: Caucasian/White
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Height: ft in
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: lbs
Date of Birth: March 19, 1993
Age: 32 years
Email/Electronic Communication:

Send Mail to
Jaylene Green
using LoveAPrionser System

These are the benefits of using our system:

  • Send letters directly from any device.
  • Weekly dispatch of regular mail every Saturday.
  • Maintain international correspondence affordably.
  • Your personal address stays confidential.
  • We handle all mailing hassles.
  • We scan responses and upload them to your LoveAPrisoner inbox.
  • Receive notifications for new incoming letters.
  • Plus, additional services.

Write Me at:

Hobby Unit
742 FM 712
Marlin, Texas, 76661

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 2019
Earliest Release Date: 12-25-2034
Latested Release Date: 2056
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For: 1 ST DEGREE MURDER

My Biography

Click on Image to Enlarge and Read Bio

Hello, a pleasure to meet you! My goals are to meet new people, enjoy life, share love and laughs and focus on my present and future. Our past makes us but don’t define us. I’ve learned a lot and want to continue bettering myself. I want to do so with somebody of similar goals/mind frame. I am a very spiritual person, I enjoy whiskey, reading and yoga. I love sunflowers and mermaids and can find beauty in any and everything. My favorite people are Nikoli Tesla, Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein, and Boss Boss. I hope you’ll take the time to write and we can get to know each other. Make sure to send a physical address so I can respond. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Jaylene

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