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Markus Richards-485551
Carson city
10274 Boyer rd
Carson city , Michigan, 48811
Hi, my name is Markus but everybody calls me Fat boy. I’m 37 years old from Michigan. I’m 6’3, 320 pounds, but in good shape for size and I work out daily. I have a lot of tattoos, my life is under construction but I will not allow my past to predict my future.
I’m very positive, everyone is welcome to write me. Looks and weight don’t matter to me, it’s the inside that counts. I’m looking for someone that is caring, positive and open to meeting someone. If you write via mail, you must include your contact information inside the letter because they don’t give us the envelopes.
You could also JPay me. I’m looking forward to hearing and getting to know you.
Truly yours, Fat Boy
Our Address
P.O.BOX 192
Dequincy, Lousiana, 70633