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Michael "Mike" West

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General Information

State: Kentucky
Institution: Federal
Sex: Male
Race/Ethinicity: African-American/Black
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6ft 0in
Hair Color: Salt and Pepper
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 215 lbs
Date of Birth: March 31, 1970
Age: 55 years
Email/Electronic Communication:, Corrlinks, Text

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Michael “Mike” West
using LoveAPrionser System

These are the benefits of using our system:

  • Send letters directly from any device.
  • Weekly dispatch of regular mail every Saturday.
  • Maintain international correspondence affordably.
  • Your personal address stays confidential.
  • We handle all mailing hassles.
  • We scan responses and upload them to your LoveAPrisoner inbox.
  • Receive notifications for new incoming letters.
  • Plus, additional services.

Write Me at:

USP Big Sandy
P.O.Box 2068
Inez, Kentucky, 41224

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since:
Earliest Release Date:
Latested Release Date:
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For:

My Biography

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Hello there! You don’t have to scroll no further, fate has guided you to where you need to be. Something’s about myself are, I have a great sense of humor, a warm personality, zero tolerance for drama, I’m very open minded & I have a big heart. I’m 6″o tall 215 lbs & very well built just to help you see my pix’s a little more clearly that’s all. The highlights of my life are my 2 wonderful grown adult kids whom I love, cherish & adore. I love to write and have written 3- novels & some short stories; the genre is Erotica Fiction. It’s never to late to gain a friend. I know you may have a lot of questions for me, please ask away. The future isn’t promised to anyone and i’m very anxious to take a peep at what’s in our future.

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