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Timothy Price-990394

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General Information

Sex: Male
Race/Ethinicity: African-American/Black
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: lbs
Date of Birth: October 3, 1979
Age: 45 years
Email/Electronic Communication:
Connect Network GTL

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Timothy Price-990394
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  • Send letters directly from any device.
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Write Me at:

Timothy Price-990394
Branchville Correctional Facility

21390 Old State Rd 37
Branchville, Indiana, 47514

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 2014
Earliest Release Date: 2029
Latested Release Date:
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For: Dealing in cocaine/narcotic, unlawful firearm possession

My Biography

Click on Image to Enlarge and Read Bio

Welcome to my world, where you can smile, laugh, have fun, relax and be yourself. I embrace people who don’t mind being exactly who they are. Being honest and respectful is very important to me. I’m a very open minded person, and since my paradigm shift, I’ve learned to look at the world, and people with a different perspective. So I don’t judge people by who they were in the past. People change, and I believe it’s all about who you are in the moment. A lot of times we have this ideal preconception of what we are looking for in a person, or who others will approve of; which doesn’t allow us to see others for who they are. When given a chance, you would be surprised at how much opposites attract. if you’re wondering what my type is, don’t. For me it’s all about the connection and the journey of getting to know one another. You should know I’m an extrovert with a big personality. Very spontaneous and considerate; funny, charming and the life of the party (according to others). I have a big family and family is very important to me. I always encourage others to stay in contact and nurture those relationships if you’re able to. Over the years I’ve become a great mentor and leader that people can depend on. In my spare time I educate myself in financial literacy. I enjoy being able to have meaningful conversation on any level. I’m a smart, knowledgeable, intuitive person that loves exploring new creative ideas. I’m looking forward to hearing from you; learning more about who you are, and just sharing food vibes and making a possible connection.

You can contact me by using the Connect Network GTL app and finding me under my DOC #990394 or by writing to me

Timothy Price – 990394

Branchville Correctional Facility

21390 Old State Rd 37

Branchville, IN, 47514

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