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Brittany Soto-V43605

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General Information

State: Florida
Institution: State
Sex: Female
Race/Ethinicity: Caucasian/White
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5ft 4in
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 130 lbs
Date of Birth: February 21, 1993
Age: 32 years
Email/Electronic Communication:

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Brittany Soto-V43605
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  • Send letters directly from any device.
  • Weekly dispatch of regular mail every Saturday.
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  • Your personal address stays confidential.
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Write Me at:

Brittany Soto-V43605
Homestead c.i
19000 Southwest 377th
Florida city, Florida, 33034

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 05/11/2022
Earliest Release Date: 11/10/2026
Latested Release Date: 11/20/26
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For: Sale of meth

My Biography

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Britney is an amazingly witty young lady. She’s let a few bad choices in life put her in the place she’s at now but it doesn’t bring her down she has a very optimistic attitude and she’s taking this time to figure out who she is on the inside .She’s making this a learning experience ,bettering herself so when she’s released she can live the best life that she can live. She has a wonderful daughter that adores her and that she loves very much. Britney has time and time again amazed me with how much love she’s able to hold in her heart for people that she cares about. She doesn’t judge people . She loves people for what is in their heart not their appearance or their status in life. This is a hard time for her being away from her family and there she can’t always talk to us. she could use a friend to fill in the voids and make her time go by as smoothly as possible so she doesn’t feel alone.

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