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Alvaro Ruiz

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General Information

State: California
Institution: State
Sex: Male
Race/Ethinicity: Hispanic
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5ft 6in
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 215 lbs
Date of Birth: February 26, 1992
Age: 33 years
Email/Electronic Communication:
getting out / GTL

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Alvaro Ruiz
using LoveAPrionser System

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  • Send letters directly from any device.
  • Weekly dispatch of regular mail every Saturday.
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Write Me at:

Corcoran state prison
PO BOX 3456
Corcoran, California, 93212

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 2006
Earliest Release Date: 3/22/24
Latested Release Date: 2024
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For:

My Biography

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Hey my name is Alvaro Ruiz  I’m on this website looking for love or friendship because I’m lonely in here. I’m respectful and just a chill type of guy. I enjoy making friends smile and laugh and build positive friendship just to enjoy good company I’m single and i have faith that with the new laws I will go back home soon. I need a good woman in my life I’m done with games I do want to be settled down and have a family in the future I’m real open minded and really easy to get along I like to enjoy life and will like to meet a good woman that would like to make good memories with me and I don’t have any kids of my one  but i do love kids. If you are interested in meeting me and talk to me know with all this technology if do have a iPod and we could message  each other and video chat with the app Getting Out, we could talk and send messages i hope you will take the chance to get to know me more personal thank you for taking the time to read my profile hope to hear from you soon.

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