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General Information

State: Texas
Institution: State
Sex: Male
Race/Ethinicity: African-American/Black
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5ft 4in
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 220 lbs
Date of Birth: June 26, 1975
Age: 50 years
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Corey Leassear
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Write Me at:

264 FM 3478
Huntsville, Texas, 77320-3320

Incarceration Information

Incarcerated Since: 2021
Earliest Release Date: October 27, 2031
Latested Release Date:
Servig Life Sentence: No
On Death Row: No
Incarcerated For: Parole Violation

My Biography

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My life and values revolves family, cooking and happiness. My family comes from Alexandria, LA  and for most of my life, Houston, TX has been my home. As a family we have strong bonds and caring hearts in which we take care of each other and look after those who are in need.  These are just some of the things that shape me and inspire me to move forward in my life. My family is also very diversed in which we have Law Enforcement Officers, Teachers, Professional Chefs, Medical and City workers. It’s people like them that gives me  the inspiration to pursue my dreams and move forward with my life. My daughter (31) has a food truck with my mother and when I’m released I will get a food truck myself and partner up with my daughter  as business partners. My passion for cooking is strong, so I’m looking forward to getting back to it and improving my skills as well. Every day I get closer to my goal of starting fresh and I keep talking to god to bless me and family for the strength to be better. In my youth I was wild and the streets have raised me for a good part of it. I didn’t learn my lesson the first few times I got into trouble, but spending time behind these bars now have seriously humbled me. I can’t change my past, but I can change my future. I want to be with my daughter and the rest of my family going to parties, cookouts, and evening staying at home. I’ve reflected a lot on my life and it’s time for me stop being hard-headed and take control to be someone for someone. I’ve been in many relationships before and it was always like a rollercoaster, So I’m done with all the ups and downs. I am looking for a mature and understanding woman to talk with and to build a relationship in which that we can both benefit from. This life is short and the time I spent behind these bars helped me realize that. By being a man and owning up to my mistakes I look forward to having a happy and healthy long lasting relationship, so I can be the best that I can be.

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